Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Author Adventures -- Center Valley -- Day 2, July 20th

Today we enjoyed prewriting by brainstorming for a piece called "My Summer," which we shared aloud. Our "All About Me" posters helped us to detail who we are and list our favorite foods, books, friends, pets, and more.

Rahul shared a writing piece about his lemonade stand and included the recipe --

Rahul's Lemonade

1. Lemons
2. Water
3. Ice
4. Secret ingredient
5. Stir
6. Drink!


  1. From Bridgette in your class.

    My favorite part of your recipy is that you have a secret ingredent. I wonder what it is--I can't guess. What is it???

  2. Bridgette, you're not alone in trying to figure it out! He gave us a hint today -- do you remember?

  3. Bridgette's response:

    Something sweet.

  4. From Rahul...

    It is something like sugar, but not exactly the sugar you are thinking of.

    Do you know it yet?
