Monday, July 26, 2010

Drama Writers -- Southern Lehigh Middle School -- Day 6, July 26th

Monday morning...what a morning...time just flew by! Campers continue to practice their editing skills every morning with our daily edit. This morning a new writing opportunity was presented to campers when they were asked to add to and complete a script that had an interesting beginning. These new scripts were published and shared with the group. Props and costumes were scattered everywhere today as campers develop their characters and roles for the various scripts in preparation for our final presentation on Friday. They even humored Mrs. Gaugler and Mrs. Filbert by dressing up as detectives to have their pictures taken!

Here is what Olivia had to say about today:

Today, we wrote scripts called "Found" and played a game called "Catch a Story." We also practiced the group script that we wrote. I enjoyed most practicing the plays we wrote, and look forward tomorrow to "Create-a-Scene" and more practice time!

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